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333 items found for ""

  • Need more space...Tips to free up space on your phone

    The days of 8GB storage on our phones are long gone. Most phones these days come with at minimum 16GB of storage space.  For many of us we've seen that dreaded "there's not enough space" message.  It happens when it's time to download the latest update, or worse when it's time to take a photo.  But I've got a few ways you can clear up space on your phone. #1 get a new phone with more space...kidding...kidding Look if you're like me, and quite possibly balling on a budget (listen I don't have it like that lol), then chances are you can't upgrade whenever the new phone comes out.  Now before you say why don't you just back your photos up to iCloud, remember how many times that thing has been hacked. So I'll pass. But easiest way to start is to check your storage settings on your phone, look at what is taking up the most space.  Naturally it tends to be photos and music.  Even if you have a streaming service on your phone, if you're listening to music offline, then it's stored on your phone.  To do this go to Settings-->General-->iPhone Storage. You can see your total storage for your phone, and what apps and things are taking up the most space. They're listed in order from largest to smallest. For some apps, you can offload it to free up the storage used by the app and for some you can delete and reinstall it.  This deletes the storage or cached built up by the app. What if I have an Android? Managing storage on the Android is actually easier in the sense that you can just add more, you don't have to go buy another device.  Most of them have microSD slots, so you can add a microSD card and simply add more storage.  My son has a LG Android phone, it came with just 16GB of space, and games can fill that up quickly.  So everytime he wanted to download an update or new game he had to get rid of one.  I purchased a 32GB microSD for less than $10 from Walmart..problem solved. External Storage option Now it's the norm really to capture memories, moments and post them online. Sometimes we're just capturing the moments and keeping them to ourselves.  Either way, chances are you don't want to delete the pictures to make room for more.  I also know alot of people don't ever connect their device to iTunes (for my Apple users) to back up anything and to move things around.  So there are USB devices you can connect directly to your iPhone to save files, photos to and transfer them between your computer and your phone.  The SanDisk iXpand USB/Lightning flash drive is simple and straightforward.  They run between $25-180 (the more expensive ones of course are for more space, they go up to 256GB in size) So nothing groundbreaking but a few quick ways to save some space, add more or just clean up!

  • What to look forward to in iOS 12

    It's been a little while, things got a little busy....Another update was made to iOS 11.... but that's not why we're here.  I'm here to make sure you guys know all the new features that are coming in iOS 12.   I can't be the only person who is annoyed with all the patches to iOS 11.  I mean I'm glad they are finding the issues and addressing them but still there have been alot of updates.  So I'm looking forward to iOS 12 and excited to share with you guys of course! Group Facetime So the first feature that immediately jumps out...the ability to FaceTime more than one the same time! The Group FaceTime feature will allow up to 32 people to be on the same FaceTime call.  You can even start a group FaceTime from a group message.  Sooo no more needing to have to download another app to video chat (well if they don't have iPhone this still applies).  If you start the group FaceTime from a group message, the other members can jump into the active FaceTime.  You can also incorporate stickers and Animojis into your FaceTime. Get a better handle on your screen time Your phone is in your hand at least 40% of the day, and more than likely never out of arms reach right?  So in iOS 12 Apple has incorporated a Screen Time feature to help you get a better look at how much time you're spending on your iPhone.  It'll also show you how much time you're spending on various apps and websites.  Did I mention it also tells you how many times you pick your phone up?  It will even give you weekly reports (if you're really trying to get some perspective) But wait! This feature also let's you manager your kids screen time on their devices.  So you can set limits on the device itself and even specifically to certain apps and websites. So 1 hour on SnapChat, 2 hours on Safari, etc.  There's a feature that allows the kids to request more time too if you want to allow it.  The Downtime component of Screentime sets a specific time that all apps and notifications are blocked, but you can set the ones you wish to allow. This feature is managed by adding your kid's Apple ID's. Speaking of Downtime..the Do not Disturb feature is getting a boost Now the Do Not Disturb feature isn't new, but it's getting some updates. My sister is a personal fan of this feature, and honestly mine goes into Do Not Disturb after 10:30 at night.  If it's an emergency they'll call more than once and it'll come through.  But now you can set it to end automatically in an hour (like if you're trying to focus on a deadline or just be a little less distracted) or if you've got a meeting happening. It can end when the meeting is over. Got alot of photos? I always find myself taking forever to scroll through my photos because well I keep practically everything..probably should start moving some of these photos to my hard drive but...that's not why we're here lol.  There's a new search feature in iOS 12.  You can search by location, events, and other keywords (so birthdays, beach, etc).  Oh and for my photographers or those on the rise, iOS 12 will support RAW photos! Siri is getting smarter, she's studying So I have a love/hate relationship with Siri, sometimes she works and sometimes she misses the mark. I use it more for fun, seriously you get some hilarious responses when you say random thing to Siri.  Siri's learning your routine in iOS 12 so it'll be able to make relevant suggestions to you, based on your location, or certain times of day.  The new Shortcuts app will allow you to run multiple actions at once. Sooo basically it's a script you can run on your phone (that was for my developers lol).  But you can add your shortcuts to Siri and allow it to help you get things.  Oh and if you're planning some international travel, Siri will also be able to translate into more languages. For my health conscious people, Siri will also be able to give you facts on your food. You can ask how many calories does this candy bar have. I'd never do that though lol, I'd just want to throw the whole thing away. I am currently doing Whole30, sooo following this I need to take advantage of this new food knowledge that Siri has These are just a few of the features coming, for the full preview you can read here. Still up in the air if I want to run the public beta on my phone, it's out now.  If you want to sign up for the public beta you can do that here. Always do a good backup before testing the beta version, remember you'll get the features but the bugs too.  The full, final public version will be released this fall, but generally in September around the time Apple has their next big event.  It will be available for iPhone 5s and up, all iPad Air and iPad Pro models, iPad 5th generation, iPad 6th generation, iPad mini 2 and later and iPod touch 6th generation.  But I'll keep you guys posted!

  • Cruising with ChicDivaGeek: Driving the 2018 Mazda CX-9

    Memorial Day is the unofficial kick off to summer for many of us, right? The weather is usually good, there's cookouts happening and beach trips!  This past Memorial Day we hit the road, in the Mazda CX-9, and headed to the beach! Now we've made the trip before but got some extra comfort and perks in the CX-9. The outs Now I'm not talking about being on the bad side of this car, I mean the outside.  I mean it is the first part that catches your eye, right?  This particular one came in Soul Red Crystal Metallic (Still need to know who has the say on these color names). Now I'm not usually a red girl but this one is a gorgeous shade of red, not like Need for Speed red but either way I loved it and got alot of compliments and questions about the color. Definitely just told a bunch of people it was just red because I couldn't remember the color name.  The front of it is longer than I expected.  Not a con, just a thought. The Ins The touchscreen is disabled when the car is in motion to help combat distracted driving, not a feature I am used to, but you can control the radio from the buttons just behind the gear shift so it works This is where a car really gets you, this is where you notice the details. I'm always here for the touchscreen panels to control aspects of the car settings.  The interior is a cream (sand is the technical color) leather, and has the seat warmers of course.  Always feel a little fancy with leather and seat warmers..but never a fan of leather in the summer.  Not to mention I always feel like I'm going to make a mess near anything in that light of a shade leather or not.  It also had the steering wheel warmer, another feature I didn't really get to take advantage of but during the winter I'm sure it's helpful. This isn't a shocking news reveal but I'm short, so have the automatic seat adjustment where it's just a push of a button to get the seat height right makes me happy lol.  There are USB ports in the console in between the driver and passenger seats, and in the fold down part in the 2nd row! So it's like you get a port, you get a port, you get a port! *Read that like Oprah giving away her favorite things lol*.  But my son really thought that was cool even though he didn't remember to ever bring his cable in the car.  There was also the part where he could control his AC from the back, so we could turn it up in the front and he'd turn his off lol. My Favorite features I'm not a hard girl to please, so alot of my favorite things about the Mazda CX-9 may not be overly amazing but they're definitely pluses to me.  I love the sunroof of course and right behind that the power trunk. I love convenience in all of it's forms...probably why I like tech so much, at it's core that is it's purpose.  But I'm definitely a fan of the engine (it's equipped with a SKYACTIV-G 2.5L Turbo engine) It picks up so nicely and it's quiet!! I'm nobody's race car driver but on a long road trip it made for a smooth ride.   Oh and did forget to mention that it can stop itself?  It's equipped with Smart Brake technology to help prevent collisions.  So it's a truck that looks good and tries to make sure you're good too!  The 2018 Mazda CX-9 Grand Touring prices out at $42,270 before taxes, tags, and fees *Disclosure: The car was lent to me in exchange for my review, opinions are my own*

  • Beyonce launches Vegan Meal Planner app

    Let me start this off by saying I'm not a member of the Beyhive.  I'm a fan of her but this here post is about the fact that Beyoncé has launched an vegan meal planner app.  Well sort of. It's not a native app, meaning it's not specific to your phone's OS.  It's a web based app, meaning it can run on essentially any platform, so in alot of way this is smarter.  It can reach everyone that wants to use it.  If you've gotten this far.... Ok..Ok...I wanted to use that GIF sue me, but am I wrong?  Any who, the idea behind it is actually really good.  Not sure Beyonce would put her name on just anything.  I've seen a few people try to go vegan or vegetarian, and run out of foods to spice it up. Sometimes they don't even know where to begin besides not eating meat.  Be honest, how many ways can you make spinach or asparagus?  The purpose behind this is to make the idea and implementation of a plant based diet, or lifestyle, easier. When you sign up, it takes you through a questionnaire of sorts to really personalize this for you and your lifestyle. It starts by asking what your food goals are, so is this a lifestyle change, diet (like the 22 days thing) or simply creating healthier habits.  Then it goes through serving sizes you eat and if you're cooking for anyone else.  Another really cool feature, it asks about how much time you have to cook for each meal, so it's really digging into how you live on a daily basis.  It also let's you filter out things you're allergic to or just flat out don't like (insert beets and okra here please lol). It also takes into consideration what kind of kitchen gadgets you are (or aren't) working with. It gives you hundreds of recipes to choose from and even has a grocery list component to help when you go shopping. You can print it out or have it emailed to yourself.  (I can't be the only person who makes a grocery list and forgets it)Not an aisle 7 cruiser? They have the option to have your food delivered to you! Now of course this isn't a free app, to use this meal planner, it's going to cost. But not alot, it's $14/month or $99 if you subscribe yearly. That's not too bad if you're really going to use it.  If it helps you on your journey into being vegan, or perhaps just gives you a more diverse palate for the diet you're on, or if you just want to be a little more like Beyonce..well go for it! You can check out the meal planner and sign up here.

  • Ready to purge? Here's How you can get all your photos, videos, stories from Instagram

    Have you recently gotten the itch to clear out your social media? Perhaps it was the Cambridge Analytica data scandal? Perhaps it was brought on by Zuckerberg's testimony in front of the Senate?  Or maybe you just want to just get rid of it period.  Well in the case of Instagram this used to mean you losing everything.  All the photos, videos and anything else you added would be gone unless you painfully went through screenshot each photo and then saved them.  If you were a longtime user or even a really frequent poster this sounds like slow torture.  Instagram announced today that you can now download all of your data from it.  Here's what you need to do. How do I download my data?? So first, you need to go to Instagram on the web. The feature isn't available via the app as of right now but is expected to be.  Navigate to your profile (by clicking on the person icon in the upper right hand corner.  After that click on the little cog, wrench thing beside "Edit Profile".  Next you want to select "Privacy and Security" then scroll down to Data Download.  It will then let you know that in about 48 hours you will receive a link with a copy of all of your data.  In the small box on that page will be the email that you signed up for Instagram with.  Double-check it, or change it if you're using a different primary email.  Then hit next. Done. I included the link in the article just click on Data Download in the text if you want to skip the navigation of IG on the web So if you're thinking about scrapping Instagram for a few but want to save those memories this is a much simpler way to do it.  This came after seeing there was no way to retrieve your data from Instagram as you could with Facebook.  I mean it is your data, right?  Think this should be a standard for all social media platforms or any that house your data in some way.

  • Many Hands makes light work, check out the Chip'N app

    There are tons of different sayings about working together. "It takes a village", "Do more together", "Many Hands make light work".  Whatever your favorite saying or however you phrase it, the message is the same, do something!  Now It could be that you're not connected to the right groups or on the right email lists so you may not know where to start.  Maybe you're the only one in your group that does volunteer type activities? The Chip'N app is here to help create social impact by bridging that gap between community and corporate.  Seems appropriate with it being National Volunteer Week huh? What is the Chip'N app? Chip’N is an “Economy for Good” that provides individuals with opportunities to create change through technology. Chip'N of course is an app first. But what it does is connect those that want to help in their communities.  You've got an app that presents you with opportunities to serve. If you're an organizer of those kinds of events you've got a platform that allows you to reach those people that can help you.  The thing that makes it different the users get rewarded for doing good! As you participate you're rewarded with chips, and then you can use those chips to purchase goods from brands you know, (not the fundraiser prizes but good things!) or you can even get tickets to events! The Chip'N app has some partners from right here in the DC area too! District Department of Parks and Recreation Family Matters DC DC Central Kitchen Anacostia Watershed Society You may also have heard of one of their partners a festival name Broccoli City!  Which is next weekend by the way.  They've been giving free tickets to participants of certain community events via Chip'N.  Do good and get good in return. Connecting community in the digital age I think that in the age we live in, based off the way we consume information that an app is a great idea for most businesses. But this is going to be a huge facilitator for how organizations and corporations connect to the community and in turn how those who want to help get connected.  Reach people where they are which is usually on their phone or not far from it.  The rewards incentivize doing good, now don't get me wrong, I am all for doing it for the cause, as I know many of those that I am connected to are as well.  But this could only help, get more involved.  I know for a fact that some people are looking for a way to get involved, others may only do it for the rewards but does that matter if they're helping? The Chip'N app is available for free to download on iOS and Android.  What are you waiting for go download it!

  • A reflection of yourself, and good for your health, the Mango Mirror

    Mirror, Mirror on the wall...what's my blood pressure? Weren't expecting that were you?  We all know what mirrors are for, they're for us taking a look at ourselves before we walk out the door, checking to see if those shoes really look good with that skirt, and you know grabbing that good selfie if you have a nice full length mirror.  But what if it could tell you more? That's where the Mango Mirror comes in... We can skip past the obvious, it's a mirror.  Complete glass and a stainless steel frame, the standard being 24" x 18" and the plus being 32" x 24".  I think it's safe to say that term "Plus" is becoming the differentiating standard as it comes to tech. But enough about the size let's dig into what this mirror can do, but I can already tell you that it doesn't bear fruit of the mango kind. The Mango Mirror is a smart mirror, so it provides you with so much more than a makeup check.  It can display your health stats, sleep, nutrition, and even give you a motivational quote for the day.  Those steps you take everyday and track on your Apple Watch or Fitbit all of that data can be displayed to you via the Mango Mirror.  You even get the weather on it, I mean that helps when planning an outfit right?  Like most smart objects there's an app to go with it, that's how you control and add widgets to your mirror. Some of the widgets you can add to your mirror Nutrition Having your total fat displayed in your peripheral gives the saying "does this make me look fat?" a whole new perspective, huh? Carbohydrates Dietary Sugar Total Fat Water Protein Sodium Vital Signs Blood Pressure Blood Glucose Heart Rate Along with the Quotes widget you can also add Twitter too, so check the weather and your timeline while you figure out what to do with your hair.  I'd probably end up reading my whole timeline if I'm dealing with my hair in it's natural's a job to make a decision on this end. The app is free but currently only available on iTunes.  The Mango Mirror retails for $499 ($599 for the Plus model).  Don't know if I can swing that but it can definitely be added to my list of things to turn your house into a smart home. Totally ok if you read those last 7 words to the tune of Luther Vandross...I did as I was typing them.

  • Apps to help you organize your life

    Can you believe that we're in the second quarter of the year already? What better way to get things in order than to start organizing, I mean spring cleaning anyone? Because let's face it life happens. There's work, taking care of the home, kids, and the list goes on. So I thought I'd share some apps to help you get organized.  Because they're called smartphones they should be able to help right? AnyDo I thought of a "Honey Do" list you know like a "honey can you do this" list. But the name's catchy and makes sense. Ok moving on..AnyDo is a "To-Do" list app but it makes the process easier.  It keeps your tasks, calendar and lists all in one place.  It even has a new beta feature (you have to sign up to get the invite) Assistant, that can help check off things on your to do list for you! I think all of us have wished for a clone at some point in our lives, I can't be the only one.  I think I really like that it has multiple platforms it runs on, and you can sync it across them. So If I add some tasks from my desk, I'll see them on my phone later. Not to mention it works with Google Calendar, iCloud, Exchange, etc. You can share grocery lists and split up tasks with other family members.  You can sign up for free to get most functions, there's a premium option that costs $2.99/month but you have unlimited devices you can connect to it.  Premium gives you location based reminders and more customization in terms of the appearance.  AnyDo is available for iOS, Android, Web, and MacOS.  Literally you can use it anywhere.  It even works with Alexa if you have it. WunderlistWunderlist is your to-do list with superpowers *insert superhero trumpets*. But seriously, it has a ton of features. You can email things to your to-do list, so if you have an email that has items you have to take care send it to your list so the tasks are added!  I also love the fact there are folders, it can be unnerving to look at a mile long to-do list and feel like you didn't accomplish anything when in actuality you may have completed 4 or 5 things related to a bigger project.  Also sometimes you just need separation, all you tasks for work, house things, etc don't have to be on the same list. You've also got the option for email notifications, alerts directly on your phone from in the app or push notifications, so if it makes it easier to handle your tasks by seeing them in email as opposed to 40 notifications on your lock screen that you're not gonna really read then this is helpful.  I'm famous for leaving all my app notifications on the lock screen, I'll act and respond but if they don't clear on their own I don't usually do it. Another feature I love is that you can add things directly from the web to your Wunderlist.  I'm the queen of having a million tabs open as a part of my "bookmarking" aka "I'll come back to this" and this isn't a great system clearly. I end up with 75 tabs open in Safari on my iPhone. Wunderlist is free and available for a variety of platforms like iOS, Android, Windows Phones (I have never met a person with one, have you?) even your Chromebook. What's your system for staying organized?  I'm thinking about adding Wunderlist to my phone to help with my mess, heck I might need to use both.  Have you tried either of these? When I'm unorganized it definitely adds to the stress, and who wants that?

  • Facebook is being investigated by the's why

    Facebook is back in the news, shocker right? *If there was a sarcasm font it would've been used there*.  I don't think I can recall it ever being anything that made the users happy though.  But moving right along.  Last week it was discovered that Facebook had shared the data of 50 million users without their permission.  The data was shared with a psychologist at Cambridge Analytica, and somehow ended up in the hands of Cambridge Analytica. Cambridge Analytica is a political consulting firm, that worked with the Trump Campaign. And that my friends is probably piqued my interest initially. So I followed it a little more... So wait my data was given to Trump's campaign??? Not directly it wasn't.  And to further clarify Facebook itself didn't just hand over the data in an interoffice envelope.  A researcher that works for Cambridge Analytica got the data of 50 million users from a Facebook quiz, he created, oh and a loophole in the API that allowed third-party developers to collect data not only from users of their apps but from all of the people in those users’ friends network on Facebook.  It had a "rule" that the data wasn't to be sold or marketed.....clearly this didn't work out well.  The quiz was used by 270,000 users and since the app collected data from their friends that's where the 50 million total comes from. Next connection, Steve Bannon, who was Trump's Senior Adviser until recently, was the Vice President of Cambridge Analytica, and during the 2016 election connected Trump and the consulting firm.  It But I'm not here to talk politics... I never like to be "Debbie Downer" when I see friends using the apps on Facebook or taking the quizzes. But they do tend to lead to viruses and other shenanigans because well you're opening your data (and in this unfortunate case the data of your friends) to whomever made the app.  Alot of times most people accept whatever settings the app asks for, and just use it.   I'm not under any illusion that what I post on Facebook is private, and I hope you're not. At the end of the day Facebook knew about the loophole and also charged with a level of privacy to their users. That at the very least the data is not going to be sold to the highest bidder, or given to an ad agency.  That's why the FTC is investigating Facebook and why Mark Zuckerberg has issued a subsequent apology. But if you're curious about your data, rather what's included in your Facebook data besides what you post, take these steps.  Go to Facebook settings (this is under the upper right hand corner after the globe for notification, under the drop down arrow.  Under general account settings you'll see an option to download your Facebook data (it will be in a .zip file you'll need to extract) Some users have reported finding call logs and other things in it (I haven't done it just yet, I'll report back). But again the app and any other app you download tells you what things you're granting it access to.  There is a #DeleteFacebook campaign/trend on Twitter but what other options are out there and I mean a good option to rival Facebook?  That'd be the only way it would actually work. Have you been following this? Are you surprised? Do you use the quizzes on Facebook?

  • It's ok to not be ok, teens develop NotOK app to reach out for help

    We all have days when we're not alright.  Some days we're a superhero and other days we need to be saved.  These types of days happen to the best of us, but if you noticed lately there are alot of our kids that are not ok.  Being a teenager or preteen comes with it's own set of challenges, you're not quite an adult, you're not a little kid.  I think that it's awesome that it's Black History Month and two black teenaged siblings decided to create an app that helps address not being ok, the NotOk App. What is the NotOk App? The NotOk App is a digital panic button to get you immediate support by call, text or your actual location using GPS. You open the app tap the button and a message is sent to your trusted contacts (3-5 people that you select) along with your location (via GPS).  This allows you to reach out for help whether it's a physical medical emergency, depression, loneliness, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts. You can also send an update letting your contacts know that you're ok after you've gotten help. The app was developed by Hannah and Charlie Lucas, brother and sister.  The idea grew after Hannah developed POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, it's a condition that causes her to faint). Hannah needed a way to reach to let people know she wasn't ok.  Charlie not being able to always be there to catch his sister if she fainted, or being able to take her to a doctor's appointment knew he would be able to help her with her idea of making this app though.  Combining Hannah's brain child and Charlie's technical know how, the NotOk app was born. The app itself is free to download for iOS and Android, but to use it there's a small subscription fee of $2.99/month.  This helps these two young entrepreneurs cover hosting fees, maintenance for this amazing app.

  • Want to up your bed's IQ, Smartduvet might be able to help

    "This porridge is too hot, this porridge is too cold" sounds familiar right? Well except this time we're talking about your bed.  How many times have you gone to sleep freezing and then wake up in the night sweating?  I know I'm not alone.  You want it to be just right...Well we've got smart fridges, smart TV's, thermostats, etc, so why not a SmartDuvet? What's a Smart Duvet? OK so the name of course implies that there is something better than average about this duvet (if you don't know a duvet is a soft quilt filled with down, feathers, or a synthetic fiber, used instead of an upper sheet and blankets). So this isn't the duvet you buy at Ikea.  The Smartduvet helps create the perfect bed climate for you to sleep in oh and that's not the part...IT MAKES ITSELF!! Yes the Smartduvet can make itself. I need this for my son's room, it's literally something that takes a few minutes and he just *sighs*   It has a companion app that allows you to set the temperature of the bed before you get in it. There's nothing worse than getting into an ice cold bed...just nope!  The Smartduvet allows you and your partner to have different temperature settings on your sides of the bed. I'm always cold well that's the way my extremities feel most times, ask my husband lol.  You can choose a preset time to make the bed or you can simply push the button and make the bed right then.  I have alot going on most mornings so if I could automate something it's beyond appreciated! But Howwww Does it work? Ok so you can't just walk in the store and get it. It doesn't come in coordinating colors, so how does it provide this great innovation and match my decor?? The Smartduvet actually goes into your existing duvet and duvet cover.  It comes in sizes for all beds; Twin, Full, Queen, King and even California King.  Another little nugget I didn't know, moisture attracts dustmites *ewwww* so by reducing the amount of sweat it's making your bed more sanitary too. The Smartduvet retails for $249 and it's currently available for pre-order and expected to ship in March.

  • Teamwork makes the chores light work with LG TWIN Wash and SideKick

    Chores, everyone who likes doing chores, please raise your hand! *waits*..*waits some more*.  Don't all speak up at once.  Let's be honest nobody is over the moon about doing chores and laundry is one of those chores that can end up stretching through the week, especially if you've got a few large loads.  Then there's the folding...just gonna be honest and tell you that sometimes my clothes don't get folded in a timely fashion ok? At the very end of 2017 my family and I moved into a house.  We all know that a house comes with an entirely new set of challenges and things that you're responsible for. Appliances being one of them. So needless to say I've spent alot of time looking at appliances and things like that.  I think LG might be on to something with their LG TWIN Wash and Sidekick combo. What's the big deal? Well for starters you can wash two loads at the same time! Now they aren't two equal sized loads but still.  You can get your kids school uniforms or those sweaty clothes from spin class washed in the SideKick add-on while you're doing a full load. and if I can get two loads at a time, maybe my laundry wouldn't be such a huge task every weekend Ohhh and that expensive lingerie that you bought, doesn't have to waste a full load or get tangled with the socks. My Favorite Feature Can I just say that I am here for the Turbo Wash 2.0 feature?? You get cleaner clothes in less time (up to 30 minutes on large loads). Who doesn't want that?  Oh and it's ergonomically friendly too, with it's elevated and angled door, and the control panel right where your fingers are. Now this won't fix your potential onset of carpal tunnel from typing on a standard issue keyboard but still, I love that they thought of that!  This little combo could fit nicely into the new basement and would save me a few trips up and down the steps too! I might even be able to convince my son to do the laundry, he can use the fancy new washer.  Oh and from 1/11-4/25 receive up to $500 off a LG laundry solution for your home, when you shop for it at Best Buy! The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free

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