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Good Music: Open Window Effect

Now I know you are thinking, what is that strange little man doing right there?? But just read a little more and I will tell you...... It is rare in this day and age to get a solid album that you are not constantly skipping through. Well my ears have had the pleasure of coming across X-Kalibur's, The Open Window Effect. X-Kalibur is an artist from the DC/Maryland/Virginia area, more specifically Prince George's County, MD, and The O.W.E (Open Window Effect) is his follow-up to the Fresh Air mixtape. The album is solid and delivers some insightful lyrics over smooth beats. The beats are great, but they don't overpower the lyrics. If you are looking to add some good music to your iPod, MP3 player or iPhone, then you definitely want to add this to your collection. Check out the link to the download below, and you can listen to it before you download it: Listen or Download The O.W.E

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