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Glam Tech: New Polish will help you detect "date rape" drug

Undercover Colors Facebook page

What girl doesn't love a good polish? But what if your polish didn't only serve the purpose of making your manicure look great but as a form of protection? Enter Undercover Colors, a nail polish that will help detect the "date rape" drug Undercover Colors was developed by four undergrad students at North Carolina State University, with the goal of helping prevent sexual assaults. The team won the Lulu eGames student competition at the University, the competition gives students the chance to present a solution to real world issues. This is definitely one; As much as it isn't talked about or for as much as we see it on crime themed shows it is still a prevalent issue and needs to be addressed. Women should always feel safe when they are out. The polish is designed to change colors when it comes into contact with the drugs, so you could stick your finger into your drink to see if it was present or not, if the polish changes color then the drugs are present. They are currently still in development, so not ready to purchase in stores but this is one thing I think should and will be on the shelves. They are currently accepting donations to further their efforts here: Can't wait to see this product out there. Make sure to check them out on Facebook ~ChicDivaGeek

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