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Giving made simple, Apps that let you donate to charity without spending a dime!

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give" ~ Winston Churchill. With the holiday season hitting it's peak soon, many of us are moved to give or in some cases give more. Giving is something that doesn't have to begin or end with the holiday season. I've got a few apps that you will allow you donate to charity and they won't cost you any money!

Give 2 Charity

I guess this name is pretty self explanatory right? So you share your location with the app throughout the day and in exchange for that information, the app gives you points. You in turn cash in your points for monetary donations to one of the charities of your choice, such as American Red Cross, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Habitat for Humanity and a few others. The Give 2 Charity app is available for both Android and iOS.

Give 2 Charity App screenshot (Photo: iTunes)

Charity Tap

Charity Tap, is an app that donates rice to hungry people worldwide. You tap the bowl of rice in the app, it donates a grain of rice. Now to make a substantial impact you need to do alot of tapping but isn't that what you do on Instagram all day, double tap photos that you like right? So why not take some of that muscle memory in those fingers and tap for a good cause! This app doesn't even require you to sign in with your email address to participate, but if you connect to Game Center (iOS, sorry Android users) you can compete to see who donates the most. Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition when it comes to charity right? This app is only available for iOS.

Charity Tap screen (Photo: iTunes)

Donate a Photo

We are on social media all day sharing photos of food, friends, whatever may be going on at that moment, but what if in sharing a photo we were helping someone? That's exactly the purpose behind Donate a Photo from Johnson & Johnson (yes the company that makes the baby products that we are all familiar with). You can take a selfie, upload a picture that you think is creative, pretty or whatever. Upload it to the Donate a Photo app and it becomes apart of the Donate a Photo gallery, and share it to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter (or all three!) and Johnson & Johnson donates $1 to the charity you choose. Some of the charities are Girl UP, which helps keep girls in Guatemala in school; the USO, which supports our troops; Operation Smile, that helps with children who need surgery to fix their smile and many others, where your donation goes is your choice. This app is available for iOS and Android. Thanks to my friend Lashay for bringing this one to my attention!

Donate a Photo screen (Photo: iTunes)

Tap Project by Unicef

Now this one isn't so much an app but it's a mobile site that functions like one. The challenge is to put down your phone, the longer you leave your phone alone, the more clean water is donated to children around the world. Just visit and sit your phone down, that's it! You can't check Facebook, Twitter, or anything as that stops it. While it's counting how long you left your phone steady, it does share facts about how the water helps, record times for not touching a phone, and other little factoids. Right now the time donations are inactive for 2015, but that doesn't mean you can't get this bookmarked for 2016!

Tap Project screen

I hope you will download at least one of these apps or even better download all of them (I did). You can give all year round, or when the mood strikes but it's a great feeling. Also remember that tech is a great tool to help give but the most valuable tool when it comes to giving is time. So get out there and do something!


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