Photo credit: IG @cmediausa (
On February 28, the NOBEL ( National Organization of Black Elected Legislative) Women held the first annual Girls, Gigabytes and Gadgets workshop. This was a workshop geared toward introducing young girls, ages 8-18, to the STEM field. So everything from science to of course my favorite Information Technology was covered.
There were so many young girls that came out and the parents were there too. Held at the R.I.S.E. Demonstration Center there were workshops on creating apps, coding, and even a workshop for the parents on how they can protect their kids online. Community partners IT Computer Wiz Kids , Excel Academy, Remixed Education HERStory Mentor Program to name a few lent their time and talents to help plug some of this scientific information into the young ladies in attendance.
Did I mention that this thing was completely free? But anyway, the children got an opportunity to see first hand some of the many types of things done in STEM as well as had the opportunity to sit and listen to some amazing women in areas of science and technology. I think the picture above captured the essence of the event so well, thanks to CMediaUSA.
I also had the opportunity to speak to many of the girls and the highlight of the event for me, when the high school girls presented their projects to the panel and other girls. They had come up with ideas for social apps and I was floored by the positive vibes coming from these young ladies. Two separate teams but both had ideas for apps/sites where women and girls would uplift and empower each other and that is so needed in this day age. Especially when the internet is so often used to bully people. I am going to work with these young ladies and can't wait to see what comes out of it.
I am looking forward to this event next year already! I was so honored to have been apart of it. If you have young girls they should be there, you won't want to miss it!