Can you believe that we're in the second quarter of the year already? What better way to get things in order than to start organizing, I mean spring cleaning anyone? Because let's face it life happens. There's work, taking care of the home, kids, and the list goes on. So I thought I'd share some apps to help you get organized. Because they're called smartphones they should be able to help right?
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I thought of a "Honey Do" list you know like a "honey can you do this" list. But the name's catchy and makes sense. Ok moving on..AnyDo is a "To-Do" list app but it makes the process easier. It keeps your tasks, calendar and lists all in one place. It even has a new beta feature (you have to sign up to get the invite) Assistant, that can help check off things on your to do list for you! I think all of us have wished for a clone at some point in our lives, I can't be the only one. I think I really like that it has multiple platforms it runs on, and you can sync it across them. So If I add some tasks from my desk, I'll see them on my phone later. Not to mention it works with Google Calendar, iCloud, Exchange, etc.
You can share grocery lists and split up tasks with other family members. You can sign up for free to get most functions, there's a premium option that costs $2.99/month but you have unlimited devices you can connect to it. Premium gives you location based reminders and more customization in terms of the appearance. AnyDo is available for iOS, Android, Web, and MacOS. Literally you can use it anywhere. It even works with Alexa if you have it.
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