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Apps for adding some flair to your IG Stories

Starting this with a disclaimer..I'm not a social media guru or anything, I'm just a girl who uses social media, and wants my stories to not be blah lol. So clearly I've got an eye for a good app or two and I've come across a few that I thought I'd share.


Tried and true, and one of my favorite staple apps for social graphics, Canva has plenty of templates for Instagram Stories or like all the other stuff you can start with a blank template that's formatted to size and design your heart out. Canva is free abs available for both iOS and Android


It's one of my newer apps I use, this one is specifically for your stories. It gives you premade layouts that you can customize using colors, pretty fonts, it may even give your stories some structure lol. But if you're trying to give a more polished look to your stories. It's free but has a few paid upgrades in it as far as templates go, it's currently only available for iOS.

Unfold Screens (App Store)


Another new one to my collection, (I like variety lol). StoryArt allows you to make some really cool content for IG Stories. I like that there are categories of templates, and there's even animated ones! Because sometimes we're captivated by a good video or heck even some movement (I am). It's even got highlight templates (you know those little cover images you see for the story highlights in people's profiles). Now not all of the templates are free but there's a good amount to chose from. StoryArt is available for both iOS and Android

StoryArt screens (Photo: App Store)

Adobe Spark Post

I don't think you can really have a digitally creative convo without Adobe coming up somewhere in it. I mean they're synonymous with design, c'mon even if you don't use it you've heard of some type of Adobe product. Well Adobe Spark Post is a free app that helps make some pretty cool social media graphics and of course since we're still in the same guessed it, it can help with your IG Stories. It has templates of course and if you're really not sure what to do you can simply "Remix" the posts you see in there, meaning make a few adjustments to the text, colors there and ta-da! A graphic for your stories! Download the app for free on iOS or Android


Adobe Spark Post screens (Photo: App Store)

A Design Kit

One more to share before I go..A Design Kit drew me in because it offers the foil textures to use for free and not alot of apps do. But unlike the other apps I've mentioned it doesn't give you templates to start with. It does give you backgrounds, brushes, stickers, fonts and shapes to build out your graphic. So if you're feeling like freestyling it a bit, or want to use the foil features to accent an image or something you can. It gives you ratios for both story and regular posts. Unfortunately my Android users, this one is only for iOS


A Design Kit screens (Photo: App Store)

Sooo which ones will you be downloading? Do you use your IG stories or do you just watch others? Let me know!

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