photo credit: Apple
Not only is E3 this week, but Apple's WWDC (World Wide Developer Conference) was this week and it looks like they focused on software this go round, well there is some hardware stuff but let's dive in!
Apple announced that they have updated the Macbook Air, available in both 11-inch and 13-inch and come available with 128GB flash storage or 256GB flash storage. They can be configured up to 512GB flash storage. They also come with 4GB RAM, with the ability to be configured up to 8GB RAM. The new Macbook Airs are boasting improved battery life, with the 11-inch running for hours and the 13-inch model running for 12 hours. The new models also have dual microphones for improved noise cancelling when you are FaceTiming or using Skype.
Apple also teased a new Mac Pro that is in development:
Not too many details given, but it definitely looks like they are making MAJOR changes to it. The cylinder shape is designed around a thermal core, it's due out later this year. If you go to Apple's website, that's all you see, the cylinder and "The future of the Pro desktop, coming later this year"
But of course on to what most people have been waiting for iOS7. Touted by Apple, as "the best thing to happen to the iPhone, since the iPhone". This latest version of the iOS has had a complete makeunder and makeover at the same time, by adding/improving features and simplifying the visual aspect of the iOS itself. Immediately you see that the overall feel is lighter, literally, it gives off a little Aero desktop in the way that the screens and icons are kind of see through.
The Control Center is a new feature that allows you to access functions such as Wifi settings, contrast, Airplane Mode, Do Not Disturb, as well as still skipping songs and the camera. All you have to do is swipe up from any screen, including the lock screen. Multitasking is also more fluid, I mean sure you can always close out of an app and launch another one, but now you can see a preview of what you have running by tapping the Home button twice, and if you don't like it just swipe it up and it goes away.
Photos in iOS7 has gotten a few tweaks as well, it now has filters (late but appreciated none the less) these can be applied before you take the photo or after, and now your photos are also organized into collections, such as Moments or by year.
Another new feature is AirDrop, which allows for you to share files and photos and almost anything else that has the share feature securely with this new service. Safari also received much needed improvement, it now has a unified search field and tab view.
iTunes Radio is coming with iOS7, we've been expecting this for some time but it has happened! This component will be integrated with the Music app on the device. Activation Lock will prevent reactivation of the device if it has been stolen, in order for the phone to be reactivated they would need your Apple ID and password. And although it wasn't shouted from the rooftops, although I know it should've been, they finally have call, message, and FaceTime blocking! No more messages, calls or FaceTime with pesky people.
Oh and did I mention that Siri is now a guy? Well at least in iOS7 there is the option to switch Siri to a male voice as well as an improvement to the female voice, the speech pattern is more natural which makes it easier to understand. Siri can also now search Twitter and Wikipedia.
iOS7 will be available in the fall, but developers already have access to it. iOS will only run on iPhone 4 and newer, iPad 2, the iPad w/ Retina Display, iPad Mini, and 5th generaton iPod Touch 16GB, 32GB, 64GB